Kirti* was only 16 years old when she was rescued in a raid conducted by Freedom Firm investigators and the local police in Allahabad. She was Freedom Firm’s first rescue in Allahabad. After her rescue, she was sent to Agra, a city about 8 hours away (500km) because the home for rescued girls in Allahabad was closed while renovations were being done. A Freedom Firm caseworker met with Kirti in the government shelter home and learned that she was the youngest of 5 sisters and that one of her sisters took her to the red-light area. She was in the brothel for 2-3 months before her rescue.
Kirti was eventually released back to her family, but on all follow-up visits, social workers have not been able to find her in her village. Her parents are unwilling to give verifiable details of Kirti's whereabouts. Sadly, it is more than likely that she has been re-trafficked.
*name changed to protect identity