When the Freedom Firm team and the police raided a brothel and rescued four women in Chandrapur, Maharashtra on the 25th of July, the police arrested the brothel keeper who was seated outside the brothel guarding the entrance.
It’s a strong case, because at least one of those rescued is minor, maybe more. We will find out for certain about the ages of all the women as soon as the reports come back from the hospital.
The Freedom Firm team assisted in filing a criminal complaint against the brothel keeper. The judge ruled that she should be sent to jail for 13 days until the next court hearing. At that point, our lawyers will oppose bail, in hopes that the
brothel-keeper will be held in custody longer.
Meanwhile, we celebrate that the women are safe in a government shelter home. Our social workers look forward to counseling them and finding out how best we can support them in the following weeks. We hope and pray that the brothel owners do not produce fake documents, and that the shelter home will not release them to their perpetrators, as is so often the case.