Our ambassador program is a unique opportunity for you to step up and be the one who makes a difference for victims of sex trafficking in India. Becoming an ambassador is easy, and there is no time requirement. We have designed this program to fit with your schedule and stage of life, whatever that might be!

Each month you will be guided through a new set of challenges by our Awareness Coordinator, Tabitha. There will be three tiers to each challenge, ranging in time commitment and complexity. These tiers are designed to give you the flexibility to dedicate as much or as little time to these projects as your life allows. We want everyone to have the opportunity to be an ambassador!
February: Learning
February will center around the idea of learning. Our first tier will give you an in-depth look at the work of Freedom Firm’s staff in India. As you process this information, for our second tier, you will be invited to give back by writing letters to the staff as well as some survivors. For our third tier ambassadors wanting to go above and beyond, there will be a creative reflection piece.
March: Sharing
March will focus on the idea of sharing. This will be the time to take what you’ve learned and share it with the people you know. This looks different for everyone! For some it means sharing podcasts and posting on social media. For others it means giving out Freedom Firm fliers and stickers. Still others will have the opportunity to have conversations with friends and family, letting others know of the need in India and ways to get involved.
April: Growing
In April we will finish strong with the idea of growing Freedom Firm’s work by introducing it to others through events. You can choose between something as simple as inviting your friends to an online gathering hosted by our staff or planning your own event with our help. This is an opportunity to really bring your own skills and community together, doing good, and having fun at the same time!
We will be there every step of the way to guide you, answer questions, and celebrate the steps you are taking to help end sex trafficking in India. Sign up today!
We all have spheres of influence and a community we are already connected to. You can use the communication tools you are already comfortable with—everything from email to social media to in-person conversations.
Why should I become an Ambassador?
Ambassadors represent Freedom Firm across the country, enabling more people to bring rescue, restoration, and justice to women in India. It is a unique way to partner with us and truly make a difference.
We are so grateful for our ambassadors and give them a limited edition t-shirt as our way of saying thank you.
How does the Ambassador Program work?
You will work closely with our Awareness Coordinator, Tabitha, and receive emails, texts, and sometimes mail from her with all the information you need for each month's topic. Tabitha will work to communicate with you in whatever method is easiest for you and will be available anytime you need some help. There will also be a monthly ambassador gathering online where you can connect with other ambassadors and share ideas.
How long is the Ambassador Program?
The Spring Ambassador Program launches February 1 and will wrap up at the end of April.
When is the deadline to register?
The deadline to register for the Spring Ambassador Program is January 31. If you miss the deadline but still want to join, please email to see if you can still participate.
What if I don't live in the U.S.?
We would love to have you join us! Email to find out how you can still be involved.
Are there privacy restrictions to follow?
Most of the information you receive will be safe to share. If there are any updates that cannot be posted on social media, we will let you know at the beginning of the email or text. Photos of survivors you receive will be blurred to protect their identities.
I have more questions; who do I ask?
The Freedom Firm staff is here to help! Please email with any questions.

“I am only one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
—Edward Everett Hale